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Rules & Regulations

The conduct of the students should be top-class so that they add to the reputation of the Mahavidyalaya. They Should not Smoke, Drink or use other forms of tobacco, or Intoxicating drugs. They are expected to take part various academic activities being conducted in the campus. In case , any Student damages any property of the Mahavidyalaya he may lose his admission and the amount of damage shall be recovered from him.


The Student of the Mahavidyalaya shall strictly follow, in totality the code of conduct given below :

1. All the students shall practice self-discipline and attend the classes regularly.
2. Those who violate the discipline shall be duly punished as per rules. Those held guilty of serious violations may be punished with rustication, if recommended by the Discipline Committee of the Mahavidyalaya.
3. Any one damaging Mahavidyalaya Property shall invite disciplinary action against himself / herself, and shall be held liable to compensate the Mahavidyalaya for the losses caused.
4. it is expected of the Mahavidyalaya's students that they shall maintain the dignity of the Mahavidyalaya. With this in mind, they are exhorted to stay away from any such undesirable activities which may go against the dignity of the Mahavidyalaya.
5. The students of the Mahavidyalaya should not take part in politics.
6. The discipline committee of the Mahavidyalaya may punish the student who spreads, or causes to spread violence, disturbs peace, or tries to force his/her own ideas upon others.
7. The decision of the Principal, upon the recommendations of the Discipline Committee, shall be final.
8. Use of Mobile Phones during the classes is banned.


Anti-ragging Committees shall be constituted in all the campus is pursuance of U.G.C. Anti-Ragging Regulation-2009, Rule 6-3 (A) dated 17 june, 2009.
As per the Section 7 of the U.G.C. Anti-Ragging Regulation-2009, Ragging Includes the following acts as acts of crime and would invite punishment under rules :-

1. To incite someone for Ragging.
2. To engage in criminal conspiracy for Ragging.
3. To assemble and cause disturbance to peace for Raging.
4. To obstruct public movement for Ragging.
5. To ciolate morality and dignity for Ragging.
6. To cause physical injury.
7. To cause undue obstruction.
8. To resort to criminal use of force.
9. To cause physical, sexual or unnatural offence.
10. To forcible grab somebody or something.
11. To trespass with criminal intent.
12. To indulge in property related offences.
13. To criminally intimidate someone.
14. To indulge in any of the above-mentioned offences against people in difficult situation.
15. To threaten victims of one or many of the offences mentioned above.
16. To insult someone physically or mentally.
17. All the offences defined as Ragging.


Regular Attendance of all the classes is compulsory for the students. The name of the student is liable to be struck off in case he absents himself from the classes continuously for ten days or more without applying, in wrting, for leave of absence. The Principal may order readmission of such student, provided, he is satisfied with the stident's explanation of reasons for the unauthorized absence. In such case, the student shall have to deposit his admission charges afresh.

A student must have 75% attendance in order ot be able to sit in the examination of Prak Shastri, Shastri & Acharya, i.e. a student will be allowed leave only for a maximum of 25% of total lecture days in one academic session (in case of annual system) or one academic semester (in case of semester system). This leave will be admissible with prior permission of the principal on following grounds :

a) 10-days leave without medical certificate, on the recommendation of the Head of the Department.
b) 20-days medical leave for which a medical certificate of sickness and fitness has been obtained from a registered medical practitioner.

Note: Above-mentioned benefit of both types shall be admissible for whole session and not for one semester. if a student avails the full benefit of said leaves in first semester of the session he/she will not be able to avail any benefit in next semester.

Relaxation in Compulsory Attendance with Reference to Examination

a) The Vice-Chancellor may grant relaxation upto 5% out of the total attendance required. The Principal Will forward such cases to the Vice-Chanceller giving valid reasons for grant of relaxation.
b) In transfer case, the student shall get the benefit of attendance at the previous campus or institution, but the students studying in preliminary course through correspondence mode shall be governed by the rules notified for them by the Sansthan from time to time.
c) Inspire of meeting the above criteria, the student who has been rusticated or found ineligible to take examination for certain period from the Sansthan, shall not be allowed to sit in any examination of the Sansthan.
d) The student, who has 75% or more attendance, is unable to sit in the examination due to ill-health and produces a medical certificate regarding his sickness and medical cerificate certifying his fitness from a registered medical practitioner, shall be allowed to sit in the next examination as a former student. He may attend classes but shall not be entitled to scholarship.

Note: Appearing in two examinations at the same time, whether conducted by the Sansthan or any other educational institution, is mot permitted. Every student shall have to obtain his degree in five attempts within five years of his first admission.