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The main purpose of granting scholarship to the student of the Sansthan is to encourage the students to receive Sanskrit education..

Eligibility for Scholarship

1. The regular students of the Mahavidyalaya, who have scored 70% or more marks in the last qualifying examination may be considered for award of scholarship.
2. The scholarship shall be awarded on merit basis. The students, in whose favour the scholarship has been sanctioned in the first year of the course, shall continue to receive the same till the duration of the course, if they are declared pass every year and continue to be eligible for scholarship. But, if they are declared promoted in any subject or paper, or are held up for Compartment, they shall not be considered for grant of scholarship for the rest of the years of the course.
3. Eligible students from 2nd or 3rd Year may also be considered for grant of scholarship, if some scholarship are available.

No. of Scholarship

Subject to budgetary provisions and continuation of courses, the availability of scholarship in the various courses every year shall be as under :-

a) PRAK-SHASTRI 60% student from allotted seats
b) SHASTRI 60% student from allotted seats
c) ACHARYA 60% student from allotted seats

Rules for Grant of Scholarship

1. The grant of scholarship shall depend upon educational progress, good conduct and regular attendance.
2. The scholarship shall be granted for 10 months in a year.
3. Every year, or upon passing an examination, a fresh selection of students for the grant of scholarship shall be made. the students who have completed their syllabus, or have passed a part of the exam, shall be awarded scholarship in the New Year or course on the basis of merit.
4. A student getting scholarship on the bassis of above rules shall not received any scholarship, salary, fees etc. from any other source. if he/she is receiving such income, he/she shall have to leave that employment and return the money received in case, he/she unexpectedly receives some prize, in case or any other mode,equivalent to or less than the amount of his/her scholarship, he/she shall not be deemed unfit for receiving the scholarship. Similarly, he/she shall be allowed to avail of free education provided by the university, hostel facilities for slef-study, books and travel facilities.

Amount of Scholarship

The Monthly amount of scholarship for each programme is as under :-

2. SHASTRI Rs. 800
3. ACHARYA Rs. 1000
The amount of scholarship may be increased or decreased by the Sansthan any time.

The scholarship shall be disbursed only upon receipt of financial approval and the amount approved from the Sansthan. For receipt of the scholarship, 75% attendance and maintenance of discipline are a must. The scholarship may be suspended or cancelled, in case some teacher or employee of the Sansthan complaints of indiscipline by the student.

The Selection Process for Scholarship

The student must apply for scholarship on a prescribed form. After a scrutiny of the application, the Principal shall grant approval for award of scholarship, under rules, on the basis of the merit.

Duration of Scholarship

a) The duration of the scholarship shall be 10 months in a session.
b) Depending upon the eligibility criteria, the scholarship shall be from the first or second year to the last year of the course.
c) The scholarship, once cancelled, shall not be resumed without the prior permission of the Sansthan.
d) Satisfactory conduct and regular attendance are the basic conditions of the scholarship, if the attendance of a student falls below 75% in any month, in any subject, he shall not be given scholarship till the time he dose not complete the mandatory 75% attendance. In case, a student remains continuously absent for 30 days, he shall be given scholarship only after deducting the amount due during the period of absence, even if the overall percentage of his attendance is above 75%.


Normally, the principal shall order the disbursement of scholarship amount in the first week of every month, on the recommandation of Scholarship Committee which the committee shall make after taking into consideration the percentage of attendance by the student. The scholarship shall begin from the date the student actually starts attending the classes.